AS CHN SC HKG NEW ISL Zhujiang 2017AUG30 RiverEstuary 001  First leg of the journey was catching the  " TurboJET Ferry Company "  service over to the airport, which unlike a couple of days ago, was a pleasure due to flat seas, brilliant sunshine and not a rain cloud in the sky. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2017, 2017 - EurAsia, Asia, August, China, Day, Eastern, Hong Kong, Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, Islands, Month, New Territories, River Estuary, South Central, Wednesday, Year, Zhujiang  AS CHN SC HKG NEW ISL Zhujiang 2017AUG30 RiverEstuary 002  That's not to say there wasn't a " Wot Tha Sow " moment! : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2017, 2017 - EurAsia, Asia, August, China, Day, Eastern, Hong Kong, Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, Islands, Month, New Territories, River Estuary, South Central, Wednesday, Year, Zhujiang  AS CHN SC HKG NEW ISL Zhujiang 2017AUG30 RiverEstuary 003 : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2017, 2017 - EurAsia, Asia, August, China, Day, Eastern, Hong Kong, Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, Islands, Month, New Territories, River Estuary, South Central, Wednesday, Year, Zhujiang  AS CHN SC HKG NEW ISL Zhujiang 2017AUG30 RiverEstuary 004  I was looking out the ferry window when all of a sudden, a huge bridge seemingly pops up out of the water and stretches from horizon to horizon. I had no idea about the structure, but subsequently came to find out that the 34 mile ( 55 kilometre )  " Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge "  bridge and tunnel project has some pretty impressive numbers, in linking Hong Kong and Macau with the mainland China. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2017, 2017 - EurAsia, Asia, August, China, Day, Eastern, Hong Kong, Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, Islands, Month, New Territories, River Estuary, South Central, Wednesday, Year, Zhujiang  AS CHN SC HKG NEW ISL Zhujiang 2017AUG30 RiverEstuary 005  The dual 3-lane carriageway bridge is one of the world's longest at 18 miles ( 29 kilometre ), has one of the longest tunnels at 4 miles ( 7 kilometre ) and required two man-made islands to complete the 15 year project. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2017, 2017 - EurAsia, Asia, August, China, Day, Eastern, Hong Kong, Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, Islands, Month, New Territories, River Estuary, South Central, Wednesday, Year, Zhujiang  AS CHN SC HKG NEW ISL Zhujiang 2017AUG30 RiverEstuary 006 : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2017, 2017 - EurAsia, Asia, August, China, Day, Eastern, Hong Kong, Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, Islands, Month, New Territories, River Estuary, South Central, Wednesday, Year, Zhujiang